I am over-JOYED you found your way to this guide, for high achieving women who are experiencing anxiousness
and long-term stress.

Hi! My name is Sara McCready, Intuitive Mentor for Women | Reiki Master Teacher | Meditation Facilitator, Founder of Illuminated Joy!

I mentor high achieving women, to release the stress from her physical & energetic body& have healthy, connected & loving relationships, in all areas of her life!

By teaching you tips, tools and techniques on energy healing, guiding you to shift your mindset, and providing trauma awareness information you become empowered to step into the best version of YOU, while feeling the freedom of peacefulness, without spending months hiding out on a deserted island, alone!

A life long-learner, I have spent over 20 yrs, learning mind-set, positive thinking, neuro-linguistics …and experiencing first hand, when these tools are properly harnessed, it can positively impact your outer world.

It was when I combined energy healing modalities, the chakra system, and the nervous system regulations techniques with all the personal development work I had already come to know & understand - the four key elements of the PATH modality emerged:

1.     YOU ARE THE COMMON DENOMINATOR - in all of your relationships

2.     Confidence does not equal self worth

3.     You are NOT your trauma.

4.     Everything is energy and WE are ALL energy


Through the journey of personal growth & emotional recovery, I came to understand the connection between our emotions and the energetic body, and how fully intertwined they are.

You must heal the energetic body, aka: your chakra system AND your nervous system, to completely transform your relationships with Other’s and most significantly YOURSELF!

If you’ve found your way to this guide, that means:

1) you’ve already figured out that you’ve had one or several, emotionally unhealthy& disruptive relationships, whether at work, with family or intimate/romantic, or you KNOW you’re currently experiencing one.

2) you’re sick and tired of feeling sick & tired!

You’re also most likely experiencing one or many, of the following symptoms:

fatigue, agitation, overwhelm, impatience, upsetness and inability to focus for more than 5 minutes, shallow breathing, and constant irritation.


What you may not be aware of, is that these are all signs of nervous system dysregulation, from unhealthy relationships & prolonger periods of high-stress.


I want you to know……not that long ago, I was where you are now....starting over at 49 years young, learning to navigate my emotional healing journey….ALONE!

Anxious, overwhelmed, and completely confused!

When I came through the other side of the emotional healing journey, I KNEW it was my purpose, that no WOMAN feel the loneliness I did while healing from disruptive relationships & prolonged stress.


Sara McCready

My mission today is to educate, inform and mentor high achieving women to become deeply connected to her physical & energetic body; embodying the nervous system regulation techniques I teach, that are based on science & spiritual practices.

When you become connected to your energetic body, through discovering the principles of your chakra system and its relation to your physical body and applying this ancient wisdom, you are in full control of your life, emotions, relationships AND energy!

Through my PATH modality, clients become powerful, confident, and fully alive.

They en-JOY life again, at all levels - mind, body & soul, AND experience deeply connected relationships - in all their relationships!


So what can YOU do to get that inner calm all day long?! Read on!

This guide provides you three simple, effective, proven and easy to use techniques that you can use – anywhere, at any time, to create instant calm, in stressful experiences.

These techniques will move you from feeling anxious, agitated & out of body, INTO grounded, calm and peaceful, without having to spend hours in meditation, or in bed with the covers over your head, wishing for it all to “just go away”.

Are you ready to discover how to create inner-peace even on the most stressful days?! 👇

click below to receive my 3 simple techniques to inner calmness, during stressful times.