Illuminated Path Mentorship


The Illuminated Path mentorship program is for those who’ve experienced a toxic relationship*.
*in any capacity: family, intimate/romantic, friend or in the workplace.

I know the strength and willpower it takes to pull yourself out of these relationships. I did it and I know you can too!

Imagine if :

you had someone to talk to, that knew exactly what you’re saying, because
they had lived through the surreal life of a toxic relationship?

someone who resonated deeply with the roller-coaster of emotions you’re experiencing, because
they felt every single one of them during their toxic relationship?

someone in your corner who believes the crazy stories when you tell them,
because they have their own crazy stories to share from their toxic relationship experience?

And…Imagine if:

your heart could feel whole again, because the aching never seems to dull?

you had someone who could give you clarity around exactly what happened
to your mind, body and soul during your time in the toxic relationship?

you felt safe, peaceful, calm and crystal clear on who you are and why you’re here?

Based on my personal experience of leaving my toxic relationship, and what I’ve come to know about
healing my heart, mind, body and soul, I created The Illuminated Path for you!
This program is the life line I wished I had when I was in emotional recovery and grief.

Through the Illuminated Path program you will learn:

to feel safe in your body, and in your feelings.

know how to have & hold a boundary

feel complete peace & freedom from needing other’s approval

and….have a sense of JOY in your life!


Your thoughts will be clear, you’ll know how to respond instead of react to the toxic people/person in your life, and you’ll stand firmly in your power!  

Together, we do the deep dive to shift you into the self-empowered state you desire. If you are ready to take steps toward self-responsibility, this is your Path!

As a victor over emotionally abusive relationships I deeply understand your journey to health and emotional wellbeing.

Working together, you’ll be given a safe space and emotional support where you can heal and walk away from the past with the peace, clarity, self-compassion and confidence to know and experience UNAPOLOGETIC JOY! 

How The Illuminated Path Program works: 

A program built for you, on your journey of emotional recovery and self-healing, from a toxic relationship.
Can you imagine stepping into clarity, peace and joy in all areas of your life!?

The Illuminated Path eases the way for your emotional and spiritual recovery and helps you navigate your life after leaving a toxic relationship.

6 months / 1:1 Mentorship / Immersive experience

At the end of the program, you’ll feel at peace and be a brighter, stronger version of YOU! 

Below are the foundational corner stones of The Illuminated Path program: 

  • Clear limiting beliefs

    We begin by getting to the root of the relational trauma.

  • Learning to trust yourself and create healthy boundaries

    Feeling safe, trusting ourselves and setting boundaries is a key lesson in recovering from a toxic relationship.

  • Living in joy

    Mastering love of self – when we love ourselves we respect ourselves.
    Learning how to care for our Soul and experience true joy in life.

Contact us.

To learn more about this program, and if it’s right for you!