
Welcome to Illuminated Joy

If you have found your way to my Website, and my story, first let me say, I don’t believe in coincidence, and secondly, I am so deeply sorry for your pain.

Hi! My name is Sara McCready, survivor turned THRIVER! I mentor women to rise-up, reclaim & reconnect to their energy and the parts of themselves they lost on the way to the TOP!

Perhaps you’re experiencing a general-sense of “is this it!? is this all their is to life?!” Or maybe there has been a sudden & devastating change in your marital/relationship status, or perhaps you know for a fact….you’ve been in a toxic relationship (or experienced narcissistic abuse): no matter where that toxic relationship occurred for you: work, family or intimate/romantic/marriage or common-law….

…I know first hand what those experiences feel & look like!

It was through my journey of emotional recovery from intense grief and trauma, I discovered the calm, clarity and peacefulness that could be achieved through mindfulness practices, energy healing modalities…

…but …..there was just one piece missing…..

There wasn’t anyone who could relate to my experience, or had context for what I was going through.

My family was wondering why I couldn’t stop crying, and frankly, so was I! This time in my life also felt like the deepest grief journey I’ve ever been on.

Because of this deeply personal emotional, mental & physical break-down, the trajectory of my life changed, FOREVER!

Prior to creating my business, which I have called: Illuminated Joy, my career was spent in financial services/corporate environment. I know the unique pressures for women in corporate Canada, and the balancing act between home, relationships, work and personal-care.

I have first hand experience, with trauma and emotional abuse in the work place, and at home; being in a toxic work environment is equally as devastating, as being in an emotionally abusive intimate relationship.

My inner work was so profound it was the catalyst for my new life; I knew beyond any logical reasoning that I was being guided into the next chapter of my life.

I heard my calling and answered:

I have been a student of of immersive self-discovery programs, higher consciousness awareness, and mentorship for 20 years.

And in more recent year, diving into all things energy healing; and became certified as Reiki Master Teacher, Theta Healing Practitioner™ and Mediation Guide.

….and the BIG piece that was missing from my emotional healing journey and trauma recovery - compassionate listening & connection; someone who had been where I was, who KNEW what I was going through, and who could guide me back to JOY!

You’re my reason why!

I created the mentorship program “Illuminated Path”, for other Women, so they knew they weren’t alone, could heal emotionally, more quickly, and not suffer in silence wondering if they were going crazy!

The Illuminated Path is my signature 1:1 Mentorship program created for the high achieving Woman who is ready to transform her mind, body and soul!

You’re guided back to JOY as you rise-up, reclaim & reconnect to your energy & the parts of yourself you left behind on the way to the top!

Together, my client's and I, have broken their generational cycles of repeating patterns - past and future generations….FOR GOOD!

See the Illuminated Path tab for more information & connect with me via email: illuminatedjoy@outlook.com, to find out if this program is right for you.

Contact us.

Sara looks forward to working with you as you experience your
natural light and joy shine through

